Simmer your favorite dishes for several hours, without the risk of burning your food thanks to the innovation of stone cooking in a Granistyl casserole!
To make this recipe with the Granistyl casserole:
For this dish you will need:
of a Granistyl stewpot . (28.5cm Granistyl Casserole usedé in this vidéo) ;
1kg prime rib dish (assado) ;
For the marinade sauce, you will need:
1 tbsp of ketchup;
1 tbsp old-fashioned mustard;
1 tbsp of silan (date honey);
Salt and pepper
A glass of water
In the oven?
And yes, the Granistyl stewpan, and all of the Granistyl cooking utensils can be used on all types of hob (induction, gas, glass-ceramic, electric, etc.) and of course in the oven!
Prepare a tasty sauce using ketchup, old-fashioned mustard, date honey, thyme, salt and pepper. Tenderly place the meat in our Granistyl Dutch oven, then coat it generously with this fragrant marinade. Add a glass of water for perfectly soft cooking. Wrap your preparation in parchment paper followed by a layer of aluminum for stewing which will enhance the flavors. Let simmer at 170 degrees in fan-forced heat for about 3½ hours, taking care to turn the assado from time to time for even cooking. If necessary, add a little water to obtain a delicious juice that will go perfectly with your assado. Succumb to this gourmet recipe and enjoy the magic of cooking on Granistyl!